National Current Conditions: December 11, 2024 - December 17, 2024
Every state in the East saw improvements. So did large parts of the Midwest and South. Conditions were mostly status quo for the West and Plains. Texas and Wyoming saw both improvements and degradations.
As of December 17, 2024, 32.54% of the U.S. and Puerto Rico and 38.87% of the lower 48 states are in drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.
This Week's Drought Summary…
Over the last week, precipitation was greatest in portions of the Southeast and coastal areas of northern California. Widespread precipitation was recorded from Arkansas into the Midwest and along much of the eastern seaboard from the Mid-Atlantic up into New England. Much of the Plains, Southwest, and Rocky Mountains were quite dry during this period as well as much of the Florida peninsula. Temperatures were cooler than normal over the northern Plains and much of the Midwest with departures of 5-10 degrees below normal. Above normal temperatures were recorded over the northern Rocky Mountains, the southern Plains and into the South, where departures were 5-10 degrees above normal. Most other locations observed temperatures near normal.
Looking Ahead...
Over the next 5-7 days, it is anticipated that the best chances for precipitation will be over the Pacific Northwest, Midwest, and the eastern third of the United States. Much of the central and southern Plains, Southwest, and Rocky Mountains will expect little to no precipitation. Temperatures during this period will be above normal over the western half of the country with the greatest departures expected over the Southwest where it could be 10-13 degrees above normal. The coolest temperatures will be along the East Coast where departures of 7-10 degrees below normal can be anticipated from North Carolina up to New York.
The 6-10 day outlooks show that the probability of warmer-than-normal temperatures covers almost the entire country outside of the East Coast from North Carolina to Massachusetts where probabilities lean to near normal conditions. The highest probabilities of above-normal temperatures will be in the northern Plains and upper Midwest. The greatest chances of above-normal precipitation will be in the Pacific Northwest and portions of the South. The best chances of below-normal precipitation are in the Southwest and northern New England.