The odds of triplets are 1 in every 105,000 and 3 healthy calves is extraordinarily rare.

WASHTA, Iowa (KTIV/Gray News) – A farm in Iowa was shocked to welcome triplet calves.
A cow having twins is rare enough, but triplets – especially healthy ones – are nearly unheard of. But it happened at Ashton Creek Farm last week.
“The odds of triplets are 1 in every 105,000,” said Luke Stowater with Cow Calf Operations. “And I don’t know what the odds are where all three of them survived, that’s very rare. And for the mom to accept them all three. And they’re all three healthy and alive, is very rare.”
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Stowater said they were prepared for twins, but not triplets.
“We knew she had twins when we preg-checked our cows back in the fall. But we did not know she had triplets. So, that was a surprise where there was three of them laying on the ground,” he said. “It was a shocker. You’re used to seeing one or two, but not three of them lying by the cow. Let alone, she had all three of them by herself with no assistance.”
There are two female calves and one male.
Stowater said the cow has been a good mom to her calves.
“She’s a great mom,” he said. “She’s quiet. She’s accepted all three of them and has taken care of all three of them.”

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