2 Reg. Hereford Bulls... N. Central TX
- Listing Number
- 412C390
- Location
- N. Central Texas
- Ship From
- Stephenville TX
- Breed
- Hereford
- Registered?
- Yes
- Registry
- American Hereford Association
- Number for Sale
- 2
- Origin
- Home grown
- Age
- 20 months
- Est. Weight
- 1500+
- Birth Weight
- 75-80
- Fertility
- Will Guarantee Fertile
- Scrotal Circm.
- 38-40
- Frame
- Moderate to Large
- Condition
- Fleshy
- Vaccinations
- IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3, BRSV, Lepto, 7-way blackleg, pink eye, wormer (safeguard + dectomax)
- Horns
- Horned, Tipped
- Pasture/Feed
- Native pasture with hay & protein supplement
- Sell Part/All
- Any Number
- Delivery Date
- Immediate
- Price
- $5000 - $5500
- Firm/Negotiable
- Firm
- Payment Terms
- Cash, certified check, or wire transfer
- Seller
- Contact Information
Top Hereford Genetics... Stout and Gentle, Virgin, LBW, Ready for Service
- Sires: LJS Mark Domino 1321 and GKB EJE 6011 Bellator 8072 ET (Belle Air 6011) 31L
- Reg #44483267 and 32L Reg #44483542
Kenny Weldon
Home Phone: 254.459.0867
Best Time to Call: 8am-9pm
NO SOLICITATIONS... To do so makes you both a nuisance and unethical.