31 Angus Cows w/ 10+ Calves... North TX
- Listing Number
- 501D759
- Location
- North Texas
- Ship From
- Muenster Texas
- Breed
- Angus
- Registered?
- No
- Number for Sale
- 31 Cows w/ 10+ Calves
- Origin
- Texas
- Age
- 3-4 and few 5
- Est. Weight
- 1050 - 1200 lbs
- Frame
- Moderate to Large
- Condition
- Medium Flesh
- No
- Vaccinations
- Wormed . Calves are worked one vaccination!
- Horns
- No
- Pasture/Feed
- Grass and range cubes
- Bred To
- Preg Checked
- Already Checked
- By Whom
- Dr Rust Marfa Texas
- Start Calving
- Calving now... 6 -300 pound calves already . 4 babies month old - 150 lbs!
- Finish Calving
- March
- Sell Part/All
- Contact Seller
- Delivery Date
- Immediately
- Price
- 3000 on 6 big pairs and balance of piars go with 25 bred cows
- Firm/Negotiable
- Negotiable
- Payment Terms
- Wire transfer
- Seller
- Contact Information
10 Calves as of January 22nd...
- Calves vaccinated with Enforce 3 Ibr and blackleg
- Calves 1 month to 4 months old
- These cattle are commingled with seller's Braford/Tigerstripe Cows also for sale on The Cattle Range.
Cody Carruthers
Contact: Jessie
Muenster ,
Business Phone: 903-328-8868
Home Phone: Same
Cell Phone: Same
Alternate Contact: 940-210-3132
Best Time to Call: Anytime
NO SOLICITATIONS... To do so makes you both a nuisance and unethical.