11 Brahman Rep. Heifers... W. Central TX
- Listing Number
- 503D932
- Location
- W. Central Texas
- Ship From
- Bronte Tx
- Breed
- Brahman
- Registered?
- No
- Number for Sale
- 11
- Origin
- Home Grown
- Age
- 18 months
- Est. Weight
- 725
- Frame
- Moderate to Large
- Condition
- Medium Flesh
- No
- Vaccinations
- 7 way, Bovi Shield Gold
- Horns
- Most have been dehorned
- Pasture/Feed
- Pasture
- Weaned
- Sell Part/All
- Buyer Takes All... Excluding Unmerchantable Cattle
- Delivery Date
- Available now
- Price
- $2,000 per head
- Firm/Negotiable
- Firm
- Payment Terms
- Seller
- Contact Information
Currently open but if not sold will turn in LBW bulls towards the end of March...
- Nice easy going set of Heifers!
Bryce Short
Cell Phone: 325-456-1088
Best Time to Call: Anytime
NO SOLICITATIONS... To do so makes you both a nuisance and unethical.