Regional Cattle Auction Reports...
For Friday, March 7th & Saturday, March 8th - Posted weekly on Monday
Reported by the USDA Market News... “Click” links to view entire report
North Central
Burwell Livestock Auction Market - Burwell NE
This Week: 2,850
Last Reported: 1,320
Last Year: 0
A limited number of comparable offerings from last week, a sharply higher demand should be noted for the day, with active internet bidding. Next Auction Dates March 14th Special Bred cow and heifer auction March 21st Special calf and Feeder auction.
Ft. Pierre Livestock Auction - Ft. Pierre, SD
This Week: 4,768
Last Reported: 6,998
Last Year: 5,151
Compared to last week: Steers from 550 lbs to 799 lbs were generally 2.00 to 6.00 higher, few instances of 3.00 lower, steers from 800 lbs to 899 lbs were mostly 5.00 to 8.00 higher; heifers from 500 lbs to 749 lbs were 2.00 to 4.00 higher, instances of 6.00 higher, other weight classes not well compared. An active to very active market on all classes of cattle in todays auction. Good demand on all classes of feeders with very good demand for replacement heifers in todays auction.
Lexington Livestock Market - Lexington NE
This Week: 2,752
Last Reported: 3,110
Last Year: 1,613
Compared to last week steers 500-650 lbs sold steady to 10.00 higher with steers over 750 lbs selling steady to 6.00 higher, Heifers 550-750 lbs sold steady to 6.00 higher. Demand was good from the buyers in the crowd with internet bidding and buying noticed.
Torrington Livestock Commission - Torrington WY
This Week: 935
Last Reported: 941
Last Year: 501
Compared to last week; slaughter and feeder cows traded 1.00 to 3.00 higher. Slaughter bulls traded 6.00 higher. A small offering of bred females also today with an active market for aged cows.
South Central
Cattleman's Livestock Auction - Belen NM
This Week: 588
Last Reported: 428
Last Year: 692
Compared to last week: Steer and heifer calves sold 20-25.00 higher. Feeder steers and heifers sold steady to 5.00 higher. Slaughter cows sold 2.00-4.00 lower, while slaughter bulls sold stedy to 1.00-2.00 higher. Trade and demand good.
Santa Teresa Livestock Auction (Imported Mexican Cattle) - Santa Teresa NM
This Week: 760
Last Reported: 402
Last Year: 843
Not enough head of any one weight range or class sold to compare with last week. However a much higher undertone was noted. Trade was very active, and demand was very good. Bulk of supply consisted of steers and spayed heifers weighing 300-900 lbs. All cattle sold were of Mexican Origin.
Eastern MO Commission Company - Bowling Green, MO
This Week: 578
Last Reported: 2,186
Last Year: 1,960
Compared to last week, a very light offering of feeders selling mostly in small packages and singles but for the most part all sold right in line with last week's price ranges on comparable weights and quality. Slaughter steers and heifers sold steady to 2.00 higher with slaughter cows trading mostly steady to 3.00 lower
Smith County Commission - Carthage TN
This Week: 848
Last Reported: 1,095
Last Year: 612
Compared to last week Feeder Steers/Bulls 12.00 to 15.00 higher; Feeder Heifers 7.00 to 9.00 higher; Slaughter Cows 2.00 to 3.00 lower; Slaughter Bulls 4.00 to 6.00 lower. Feeder cattle quality good with high demand. Slaughter cattle quality pour with steady demand.
Carolina Stockyards Livestock Auction – Siler City, NC
This Week: 1,060
Last Reported: 0
Last Year: 1,089
Slaughter cattle were steady this week . Feeder cattle were steady to 2.00 to 5.00 higher this week compared to last week . Demand was moderate ; market activity and buyer interest were moderate . Offerings moderate with quality average.