Regional Cattle Auction Reports...
For Thursday, March 13th - Posted weekly on Friday
Reported by the USDA Market News... “Click” links to view entire report
North Central:
Billings Livestock Commission Cattle Auction - Billings, MT
This Week: 881
Last Reported: 2,633
Last Year: 595
Compared to last week: Feeder steer and heifer calves were all too lightly tested to develop an accurate market trend, however steady to higher undertones were noticed on all feeder cattle offerings. Demand was mostly good for light offerings. Quality this week was mostly plain to average today. Lots of variation was seen in quality again this week.
Mitchell Livestock Auction – Mitchell SD
This Week: 3,838
Last Reported: 3,989
Last Year: 4,060
Compared to last week: Feeder steers 700-1000 lbs. sold 6.00-8.00 higher. Heifers 650-1000 lbs. sold unevenly steady with a higher undertone on most. Demand was good. Many large load lots in today's offering.
Valentine Livestock Auction - Valentine NE
This Week: 4,020
Last Reported: 870
Last Year: 835
Compared with two weeks ago 550 to 600 lbs steers and 450 to 600 lbs heifers traded sharply higher. Demand was good with several buyers at the sale barn and active internet bidding. Next Auction Date April 3rd Special Feeder and Replacement Heifer Auciton.
South Central:
Apache Livestock Auction - Apache, OK
This Week: 1,752
Last Reported: 1,315
Last Year: 2,276
Compared to last week: Feeder steers 10.00 to 15.00 higher. Feeder heifers unevenly steady with a lower undertone noted. Steer calves and heifer calves 10.00 to 15.00 higher with instances 20.00 higher. Quality good to attractive with very good demand on thin grass calves. Slaughter cows 1.00 to 3.00 higher. Slaughter bulls 3.00 higher.
Woodward Wtd Avg Cattle - Woodward OK
This Week: 2,653
Last Reported: 1,642
Last Year: 2,914
Compared to last week: Feeder steers 10.00 to 15.00 higher. Feeder heifers mostly steady. Steer and heifer calves steady to 10.00 lower. Demand was moderate. Quality average to good with some especially good heavier weight feeder steers.
Winter Livestock Auction - Pratt KS
This Week: 6,248
Last Reported: 4,759
Last Year: 4,782
Compared to last week, feeder steers 500 lb to 1050 lb sold 2.00 to 6.00 higher. Feeder heifers 500 lb to 1100 lb sold 5.00 to 10.00 higher. Demand was good. Slaughter cows sold 2.00 higher. Slaughter bulls sold 4.00 higher.
Farmers & Ranchers Livestock - Salina KS
This Week: 4,215
Last Reported: 2,786
Last Year: 4,535
Nice run of cattle today. Compared to last week steers over 600 lbs sold 3.00 to 7.00 higher and heifers sold mostly 6.00 to 10.00 higher. The receipts were moderate to heavy with moderate demand.
Cattleman's Livestock Auction - Dalhart TX
This Week: 3,010
Last Reported: 2,524
Last Year: 0
Compared to last week: Steer feeders and calves sold steady to just a tick higher. Feeder heifers fared better trading 5.00-7.00 higher. Trade was active with a good supply of quality cattle coming off of wheat. Slaughter cattle demand was higher with average to high yielding boner cows bringing 3.00-5.00 higher. Trade was moderate to active.
Tulia Livestock Auction - Tulia, TX
This Week: 1,663
Last Reported: 1,629
Last Year: 1,553
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers sold 2.00 to 6.00 higher. Demand was moderate to good. High winds with fire warnings expected tomorrow. Slaughter cows were steady to 5.00 higher.
New Cambria Livestock Market - New Cambria, MO
This Week:
Last Reported:
Last Year:
Sale report unavailable.
Bluegrass Stockyards South - Stanford KY
This Week: 2,078
Last Reported: 725
Last Year: 2,017
Compared to last Thursday: Feeder steers under 500 lbs SHARPLY HIGHER, 0ver 500 lbs 12.00-15.00 higher, Feeder heifers under 500 lbs SHARPLY HIGHER, over 500 lbs 10.00-18.00 higher. Very good demand for feeder and yearling classes. Slaughter cows and bulls fully steady. Good demand for slaughter classes.
Paris Stockyards - Paris KY
This Week: 2,927
Last Reported: 1,728
Last Year: 3,210
Compared to last Thursday the feeder market was stronger with a good quality offering. Good quality feeder steers 650 lbs and under were mostly 3.00 to 8.00 higher with good supply, however the 400-450 lbs steers were sharply higher with strong demand. Yearling steers appeared steady but with limited head to head comparisons. Feeder heifers were mostly 1.00 to 3.00 higher, except for the 450-500 lbs heifers that were sharply higher with strong demand. Slaughter cows were mostly steady to 2.00 higher for the leans with a good supply and slaughter bulls were steady with good demand.