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Record High Commercial Red Meat and Pork Production in February
Thu March 21, 2024
Leading economic index had fallen every month since February 2022.
Thu March 21, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales were down 2%, a marketing year low; Exports were down 10%
Thu March 21, 2024
21.21% of the Lower 48 States are in Drought compared to 22.25% Last Week
Thu March 21, 2024
Example of how the National Cattlemens Beef Association is able to hide where Checkoff dollars goes.
Wed March 20, 2024
Vaccine Could Save U.S. Cattle Industry $1 Billion Annually
Tue March 19, 2024
Estimates indicate the number of Cattle on Feed, Placements, & Marketing will all be higher than Last Year.
Mon March 18, 2024
Last week's Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 5% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon March 18, 2024
Imports of Mexican cattle have averaged over 1 million head annually for the last 40 years.
Mon March 18, 2024
Mexico’s cattle and beef exports to the U.S. were worth nearly US $3 billion last year.
Sat March 16, 2024
For the week, fed cattle in the Southern Plains & Northern Plains were higher, as were feeder cattle and stocker calves.
Sat March 16, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales were down 20%, a marketing year low.
Fri March 15, 2024
Results reveal fewer smaller feedlots marketing fewer cattle.
Fri March 15, 2024
22.25% of the Lower 48 States are in Drought compared to 21.84% Last Week
Fri March 15, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri March 15, 2024
Cattle lobbyists are now having the taxpayers pay “no less than $15,000,000” for electronic ID ear tags for cattle while USDA numbers show that we have lost 107,000 cattle farms and ranches in the past 5 years.
Thu March 14, 2024
Expectations of a recovery in global corn production for 2023/24 have contributed to a reversion of U.S. corn market prices to lower levels.
Wed March 13, 2024
Federal prosecutors say the pair cut wires on automated rain guages, tipped over collection buckets, covered others with pie pans and plugged one with caulk.
Tue March 12, 2024
The new rule takes effect in 60 days. Compliance becomes mandatory on Jan. 1, 2026.
Tue March 12, 2024
The consumer price index climbed 0.4% last month largely because of higher gas prices and housing costs.
Tue March 12, 2024

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