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Last week's Marketings were 4.8% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon June 24, 2024
Farmland values tended to be higher along the coasts and a stretch from Iowa to Ohio, often called the Corn Belt.
Mon June 24, 2024
Fed cattle trade in the Southern and Northern Plains was higher. Feeder cattle were higher while stocker calves were steady.
Sat June 22, 2024
Cattle on Feed lower with Placements and Marketings higher.
Fri June 21, 2024
The U.S. is forecast to experience a record trade deficit for the second year in a row.
Fri June 21, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales were down 17%; Weekly Exports were up 8%.
Fri June 21, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri June 21, 2024
Beef Production up 1%; Pork Production up slightly
Thu June 20, 2024
The outlook for 2025 feeder steer prices is unchanged from last month at $258.50 per cwt.
Thu June 20, 2024
12.03% of the Lower 48 States are in Drought, compared to 11.77% Last Week.
Thu June 20, 2024
Compared to last year, estimates indicate Cattle on Feed and Placed on Feed will be lower with Marketings steady.
Tue June 18, 2024
The EID rules come as mainstream media, government agencies and liberal mega-donors such as Bill Gates, have made pushes towards popularizing lab-grown meat, claiming that it will benefit the environment.
Tue June 18, 2024
48% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 51% Last Week and 44% Last Year.
Mon June 17, 2024
72% of Corn Crop rated as Good to Excellent compared to 74% last week and 55% last year.
Mon June 17, 2024
Last week's Marketings were 9.2% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon June 17, 2024
The U.S. cattle industry is nearly five times the size of the Mexican cattle industry and nearly eight times the size of the Canadian industry.
Mon June 17, 2024
Global Coarse Grains Production Forecast Is Lower for 2024/25 but Projected Price in Unchanged.
Mon June 17, 2024
Excess mature cow weight may be robbing profit from your operation.
Mon June 17, 2024
Fed cattle trade in the Southern and Northern Plains was higher. Feeder cattle and stocker calves were lower with live cattle futures and feeder cattle futures sharply higher.
Sat June 15, 2024
According to the researchers, calves sired by beef bulls were as likely to survive birth as those sired by Holstein bulls, with the exception of calves sired by crossbred beef bulls.
Fri June 14, 2024

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