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Cash receipts from the sale of agricultural commodities are forecast to decrease by 4.7 percent.
Thu November 30, 2023
Beef net sales were down 37 percent from the previous week and exports down 15 percent.
Thu November 30, 2023
Almost every region in the U.S. saw improvements to drought or dryness this past week.
Thu November 30, 2023
Economy appears to have slowed at year’s end.
Wed November 29, 2023
Trudeau has funneled $10 million into building the largest cricket-processing plant in the world.
Tue November 28, 2023
50% of Winter Wheat is in 'Good to Excellent' Condition compared to 48% last week and 34% last year.
Tue November 28, 2023
The UN has, for years, called for individuals to ditch animal-based diets, which it says "have a high impact on our planet."
Tue November 28, 2023
Last week's Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 9.4% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon November 27, 2023
The beef cow herd will be smaller in 2024 and holding the inventory stable next year may be the most likely outcome.
Mon November 27, 2023
Closures geared towards enhancing production capacity by discontinuing older and less efficient plants in various locations.
Mon November 27, 2023
Fed cattle trade in both the Southern and Northern regions was 1.00 lower. Feeder cattle traded 3.00 lower with stocker calves about 2.00 lower.
Sat November 25, 2023
Rabobank forecasts increases in production in countries such as Australia, Brazil, and Mexico will offset declines in Canada and the US.
Fri November 24, 2023
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri November 24, 2023
"The future of this industry is not here in the United States… It's offshore."
Thu November 23, 2023
Commercial red meat production totaled 4.77 billion pounds in October, up slightly from October 2022.
Thu November 23, 2023
Beef in freezers down 20%; Frozen Pork Down 14%
Wed November 22, 2023
For the second week in a row, drought in almost every Midwestern state worsened.
Wed November 22, 2023
At an average age of 57, many producers are reluctant to assume the risk of herd expansion.
Wed November 22, 2023
Probably 70-90% of players will fail in the next year.
Tue November 21, 2023
Last week's Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 0.4% higher than the 3 Year Average.
Tue November 21, 2023

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