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Leading economic indicator falls 0.7% in September.
Thu October 19, 2023
In general, the northern U.S. and Gulf Coast saw improvements, while areas in between worsened.
Thu October 19, 2023
Program aims to help producers optimize heifer development and reproductive efficiency.
Wed October 18, 2023
Fed steer price projections are unchanged from last month while prices for feeder steers are projected higher in fourth-quarter 2023 and first-half 2024.
Wed October 18, 2023
As a result of tighter supplies, the 2023/24 average price received by U.S. corn farmers is expected to increase from $4.90 per bushel to $4.95.
Wed October 18, 2023
Estimates indicate the number of Cattle on Feed and Marketings will be lower with Placements higher than a year ago.
Wed October 18, 2023
The lawsuit claims that food giants reduced slaughterhouse production to keep cattle prices low and beef prices high.
Tue October 17, 2023
33% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 35% Last Week and 23% Last Year.
Tue October 17, 2023
45% of Corn Crop harvested compared to 34% last week, 43% last year, and the 5-Year Average of 42%.
Tue October 17, 2023
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 0.2% above than 3 Year Average.
Mon October 16, 2023
The overall decline in beef production means that ground beef supplies will be smaller and prices higher going forward.
Mon October 16, 2023
For the week, fed cattle trade in the South was 1.00 higher with Northern trade 3.00 higher. Feeder cattle and stocker calves were about 1.00 lower.
Sat October 14, 2023
Inflation expectations rise to highest level in six months.
Fri October 13, 2023
Bovine respiratory disease costs the cattle industry around $1 billion each year in prevention, management and treatment fees, as well as in herd losses.
Fri October 13, 2023
The high cost of plant-based meat, coupled with inflation, has been impacting consumer behavior.
Fri October 13, 2023
The annual CPI inflation rate held at 3.7%, notably above where it was in June and July.
Thu October 12, 2023
The Fed’s battle against inflation amid a resilient U.S. economy has led to high interest rates and a surging U.S. dollar, hurting key segments of the rural economy.
Thu October 12, 2023
As beef supplies get increasingly tighter over the next couple of years, we are likely to see an ever-greater divergence between imports and exports.
Thu October 12, 2023
Projections for Beef production raised on higher cow and bull slaughter; Beef imports raised and exports lowered.
Thu October 12, 2023
Nationwide drought coverage decreased every so slightly for the first time after 11 weeks of increases.
Thu October 12, 2023

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