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For the first seven months of 2023, total cattle imported into the U.S. are up 12.4 percent year over year.
Mon September 11, 2023
Fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains was 1.00 higher with trade in the North 1.00 lower. Feeder cattle and stocker calves were about steady
Sat September 09, 2023
Net beef sales of 11,900 MT were down 34 percent from previous week and 20 percent from the prior 4-week average.
Fri September 08, 2023
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri September 08, 2023
What happened to the hog industry, and what is trending in the cattle industry, was totally predictable.
Thu September 07, 2023
36.02% of the Lower 48 States in Drought compared to 34.28% Last Week.
Thu September 07, 2023
Marketing agreements have evolved as producers strive to link consumer preferences for high quality beef with farm gate, fed cattle values.
Wed September 06, 2023
The industry has an over-capacity issue which will only worsen in the next two or three years.
Wed September 06, 2023
In Asia, beef purchases made in anticipation of COVID recovery haven’t been consumed yet, leaving supply chains full.
Wed September 06, 2023
36% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 36% Last Week and 28% Last Year.
Tue September 05, 2023
53% of Corn Crop rated as Good to Excellent Condition compared to 56% last week and 54% last year.
Tue September 05, 2023
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 4.0% above the 3 Year Average.
Tue September 05, 2023
One of the possibilities current market conditions present is the opportunity for cow-calf producers to capitalize on increasing cow value.
Tue September 05, 2023
Beef Outlook: Lighter carcass weights do not produce enough premium beef cuts to meet demand.
Tue September 05, 2023
Fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains was steady with trade in the North 2.00 lower. Feeder cattle and stocker calves were about 1.00 higher.
Sat September 02, 2023
This upward trajectory suggests continued growth in the Chinese meat import sector even though the U.S. suffered a 4% decrease.
Fri September 01, 2023
Unemployment rate jumps to 3.8% from 3.5%.
Fri September 01, 2023
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri September 01, 2023
Exports of 19,900 MT--a marketing-year high--were up 69 percent.
Thu August 31, 2023
Extreme Drought (D3) developed/expanded in Montana, North Dakota, and Kansas while drought worsened from New Mexico across to Louisiana and in the Upper Midwest.
Thu August 31, 2023

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