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Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 15.1% below the 3 Year Average.
Mon August 21, 2023
According to court documents, the ranchers did not adequately explain the causal connection between manipulating fed cattle prices and lower cow-calf prices.
Mon August 21, 2023
The three men stole an estimated $9 million worth of meat in refrigerated trailers over the course of 17 months in the Great Plains and Midwest.
Mon August 21, 2023
Fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains was 1.00 lower with trade in the North 2.00 lower. Feeder cattle and stocker calves were about 2.50 higher.
Sat August 19, 2023
Placements down 8% and Marketings down 5%.
Fri August 18, 2023
While the vultures play a major ecological role, their expanding population is becoming a big nuisance for producers.
Fri August 18, 2023
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri August 18, 2023
Across two decades, the overall number of cow-calf operations in the United States decreased by 19 percent.
Thu August 17, 2023
The media's and FDA's dishonesty about Ivermectin during the pandemic was beyond grotesque and shameful.
Thu August 17, 2023
According to EPA’s petition response, the agency plans to create an Animal Agriculture Water Quality Subcommittee to gather additional information.
Thu August 17, 2023
The leading index is a gauge of 10 indicators designed to show whether the economy is getting better or worse
Thu August 17, 2023
Drought expanded over Texas and Louisiana while the Central Plains and Midwest saw improvements.
Thu August 17, 2023
The big question is whether current interest rates are “sufficiently restrictive” to bring inflation down to the 2% target.
Wed August 16, 2023
Sales of plant-based alternatives are down 20% from their peak in 2020 and the industry “faces something of a tipping point,” said a report by agricultural lender CoBank on Monday.
Wed August 16, 2023
Estimates indicate the number of cattle on feed, placed on feed, and marketed will all be lower than a year ago.
Wed August 16, 2023
JBS reported a net loss of 263.6 million reais ($47.77 million), the second consecutive negative result in 2023.
Tue August 15, 2023
Dr. Daley’s testimony focused on the need for the federal government to recognize that livestock grazing reduces the risk of catastrophic wildfires.
Tue August 15, 2023
The bait is lethal to feral swine but has minimal impact on the environment and nontarget species.
Tue August 15, 2023
40% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 38% Last Week and 21% Last Year.
Mon August 14, 2023
59% of Corn Crop rated as Good to Excellent Condition compared to 57% last week and 57% last year.
Mon August 14, 2023

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