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The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to prohibit China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran from purchasing U.S. agricultural land and agricultural businesses.
Wed July 26, 2023
Total pounds of beef in freezers down 20% from last year.
Tue July 25, 2023
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 53.7% below the 3 Year Average.
Mon July 24, 2023
44% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 47% Last Week and 25% Last Year.
Mon July 24, 2023
57% of Corn Crop rated as Good to Excellent Condition compared to 57% last week and 61% last year.
Mon July 24, 2023
July is seeing an unwelcome combination of slower economic growth, weaker job creation, gloomier business confidence and sticky inflation.
Mon July 24, 2023
Not only did the report show continued cattle liquidation thus far in 2023, but there are also no clear indications that numbers will stabilize and grow anytime soon. 
Mon July 24, 2023
Feeder cattle traded nearly 5.00 higher with stocker calves about 2.50 higher.  Live cattle futures closed lower while feeder futures were on both sides of steady.
Sat July 22, 2023
All classes of cattle lower than in July of 2022.
Fri July 21, 2023
Placements up 3% and Marketings down 5%.
Fri July 21, 2023
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri July 21, 2023
Beef production, at 2.33 billion pounds, was 5 percent below the previous year.
Thu July 20, 2023
Walmart’s beef investments follow a recent trend of large grocers vertically integrating into food processing.
Thu July 20, 2023
Approximately 37% of the cattle inventory is within an area experiencing drought.
Thu July 20, 2023
Seven of the ten indicators tracked by the Conference Board declined in June.
Thu July 20, 2023
25.82% of the lower 48 states are in drought, compared to 26.87% last week.
Thu July 20, 2023
Estimates indicate the number of cattle on feed, placed on feed, and marketed will all be lower than a year ago.
Wed July 19, 2023
Cattle price forecasts in 2023 are raised from last month on firm demand and the expectation of relatively tighter supplies, carried into 2024.
Tue July 18, 2023
Full impact of monetary policy actions have yet to be felt.
Tue July 18, 2023
Nebraska prices are already higher than the 2014/2015 peaks, which maxed out at $260 per cwt in late 2014.
Tue July 18, 2023

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