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Fed cattle trade in the South was 7.00 higher with Northern trade 3.00 higher. Feeder cattle and stocker calves traded 7.00 and 5.00 higher respectively.
Sat June 10, 2023
Beef production is raised with higher expected steer and heifer, cow, and bull slaughter.
Fri June 09, 2023
Texas Cattle Feeders Association confirms 4,000 cattle lost in Circle Three Feed Yard flooding.
Fri June 09, 2023
Historically, real estate debt and non-real estate debt have trended similarly, but they have diverged in recent years.
Fri June 09, 2023
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri June 09, 2023
Since many of the country’s biggest companies do business in the state, a corporate greenhouse gas emissions disclosure mandate would reach well beyond the state’s borders.
Thu June 08, 2023
Through the 3rd week of May, 1.8% more cows have been harvested this year than during the same period in 2021.
Thu June 08, 2023
The drought-stricken Southern Plains saw big improvements, but more are needed, especially in Kansas.
Thu June 08, 2023
Of the 53 U.S. states and territories that report jobless claims, 27 showed an increase last week. The other 26 posted a decline.
Thu June 08, 2023
Roberto Adams to serve total of 57 months in federal prison for allowing cattle to enter the U.S. without proper quarantine or inspection.
Wed June 07, 2023
The U.S. cattle and calves inventory as of Jan. 1, 2023 was at its smallest since 2015, according to USDA data.
Wed June 07, 2023
Cattle futures prices may be going up, but a similar reaction from cash prices may not be a good thing.
Wed June 07, 2023
Kansas wheat farmers will reap the smallest harvest in more than 60 years. Persistent drought withered much of the crop.
Tue June 06, 2023
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 23.6% below the 3 Year Average.
Tue June 06, 2023
45% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 43% Last Week and 28% Last Year
Tue June 06, 2023
64% of Corn Crop rated as Good to Excellent Condition compared to 69% last week and 73% last year.
Tue June 06, 2023
Beef Outlook: Beef producers watch as pork values drop and wonder if lower supply can stave off price dips.
Mon June 05, 2023
Beef and pork sales year over year were down 5.4% and 10.3%, respectively.
Mon June 05, 2023
The proposed rule seeks to codify and promote the agency’s process around designating Areas of Critical Environmental Concern.
Sat June 03, 2023
For the week, fed cattle trade in the South was 7.00 higher with Northern trade 5.00 higher. Feeder cattle and stocker calves traded about 5.00 higher.
Sat June 03, 2023

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