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U.S. beef exports hit 1.47 metric tons in 2022, a record for volume and value.
Thu March 23, 2023
This week, 34.54% of the lower 48 states are in drought, down from 35.79% last week.
Thu March 23, 2023
Banking woes will impact economy but effects are uncertain, inflation picture worsens slightly.
Wed March 22, 2023
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation this month awarded a $4.8 million grant to a company that sells “smart” face masks for cows
Wed March 22, 2023
District court denies national injunction and ruled that other courts should determine WOTUS’ legality across the nation.
Tue March 21, 2023
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 6.1% above the 3 Year Average.
Tue March 21, 2023
Feedlot inventories may decline through 2023 with the low in 2024 or beyond.
Mon March 20, 2023
Mexico is the second largest supplier of beef and beef products to the U.S., representing 24 percent of total U.S. imports
Mon March 20, 2023
Fed cattle in the South traded 1.00 lower with dressed trade in the North also 1.00 lower. Feeder cattle were steady while stocker calves traded 2.00 higher.
Sat March 18, 2023
Marketings of fed cattle during February were 5 percent below February of 2022.
Fri March 17, 2023
Eight of the 10 indicators tracked by the Conference Board fell in February.
Fri March 17, 2023
Consumer sentiment index drops to 63.4 from 67.
Fri March 17, 2023
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri March 17, 2023
Choice retail beef prices rose from last month by 0.2% to $7.59 per pound but were down 0.4% from a year earlier.
Thu March 16, 2023
This week, 35.79% of the lower 48 states are in drought, down from 37.65% last week.
Thu March 16, 2023
Most over-the-counter medications for any species of livestock, including cattle, will be affected.
Wed March 15, 2023
Estimates indicate the number of cattle on feed, placed on feed, and marketed will all be lower than a year ago.
Wed March 15, 2023
Consumer beef demand may have slowed but clearly there is less beef to consume.
Tue March 14, 2023
Imports from Brazil had the highest monthly import level ever recorded.
Tue March 14, 2023
Consumer price index has increased 6% in past year.
Tue March 14, 2023

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