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Beef cows, at 28.9 million head, were down 4 percent from a year ago.
Tue January 31, 2023
Consumer confidence index falls to 107.1 in January from109.
Tue January 31, 2023
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 9.0% below the 3 Year Average.
Mon January 30, 2023
Average daily gains have dropped as calories are used by cattle to keep warm rather than gain weight.
Mon January 30, 2023
For the week, slaughter cattle steady while feeder and stocker cattle traded higher. Live Cattle futures were mixed with Feeder Cattle futures higher.
Sat January 28, 2023
Estimates of the beef cow herd size in the USDA Cattle Inventory Report to be published on January 31st.
Fri January 27, 2023
Americans are more selective about what they buy – and that could spell trouble for the economy.
Fri January 27, 2023
The week started Bullish, but by Thursday, the sentiment was Bearish.
Fri January 27, 2023
Expectations for tight supplies/higher prices have caused end users and packers to hold more beef in cold storage.
Thu January 26, 2023
All food categories except beef and veal grew faster in 2022 than in 2021.
Thu January 26, 2023
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 7.5% above the 3 Year Average.
Thu January 26, 2023
This week, 36.0% of the U.S. and Puerto Rico and 42.99% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu January 26, 2023
Total pounds of beef in freezers up 7 percent from last year.
Wed January 25, 2023
It is par for the course recently, hitting mid-week with virtually no cash trade and bids scarce.
Wed January 25, 2023
The Beef Checkoff was a program created for the research and promotion of beef; Not to contribute to defrauding the American Consumer.
Wed January 25, 2023
The change to neutral will result in a more “normal” weather pattern.
Tue January 24, 2023
Listing lesser prairie chicken under Endangered Species Act delayed for 60 days.
Tue January 24, 2023
Cattle & Calves accounted for 37 percent of the $195.8 billion total.
Tue January 24, 2023
Food & Water Watch: EPA’s lax rules have allowed for devastating and widespread public health and environmental impacts across the country.
Tue January 24, 2023
An analysis of the optimism that the futures are suggesting versus the reality of today’s current market.
Tue January 24, 2023

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