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91% of Corn Crop planted compared to 95% last year and the 5 Year Average of 89%; 74% of Corn Crop emerged compared to 81% last year and the 5 Year Average of 73%.
Tue June 04, 2024
Last week's Marketings were 3.4% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon June 03, 2024
CWD is a neurological disease that slowly kills deer with visible symptoms not typically showing until close to death.
Mon June 03, 2024
U.S. cattle producers do not benefit from the profitable import/export scheme that exclusively benefits the beef packers.
Mon June 03, 2024
Better forage conditions remove one of the barriers to stabilizing and rebuilding the beef cow herd. 
Mon June 03, 2024
Compared to last week, fed cattle trade in the Southern and Northern Plains was lower with feeder cattle higher and stocker calves slightly lower.
Sat June 01, 2024
The news comes a day after Reuters reported that China had suspended beef exports from a JBS-owned plant in Greeley, Colorado.
Fri May 31, 2024
A majority of restaurant operators reported lower same-store sales and customer traffic in April, and most are not anticipating a significant improvement in business conditions in the months ahead.
Fri May 31, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales were down 27%; Weekly Export were down 7%.
Fri May 31, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri May 31, 2024
The Supreme Court struck a blow against government pressure on corporations to go woke.
Thu May 30, 2024
The two earlier cases had eye-infection symptoms rather than respiratory issues.
Thu May 30, 2024
The restrictions sent CME Feeder Cattle Futures slumping on Wednesday with the most-active August live cattle contract posting its biggest percentage drop since May 1.
Thu May 30, 2024
Since the start of the year, the cutter cow price has risen $31.47 per cwt (36%).
Thu May 30, 2024
12.55% of the Lower 48 States are in Drought, unchanged from Last Week.
Thu May 30, 2024
GDP shows U.S. economy grew just 1.3% in the first quarter instead of 1.6% as reported by the government in April.
Thu May 30, 2024
48% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 49% Last Week and 43% Last Year.
Wed May 29, 2024
83% of Corn Crop planted compared to 89% last year and the 5 Year Average of 82%; 58% of Corn Crop emerged compared to 66% last year and the 5 Year Average of 58%.
Wed May 29, 2024
Last week's Marketings were 10.1% higher than the 3 Year Average.
Tue May 28, 2024
Feedlot inventories are expected to decrease seasonally for another three months or so.
Tue May 28, 2024

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