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EPA’s final rule seeks to directly preempt ongoing Supreme Court litigation, leaving farmers and ranchers with more questions than answers.
Wed January 04, 2023
The weakness in the factory sector is spreading to more and more industries.
Wed January 04, 2023
The percentage of producers expecting weaker performance fell from 32% to 26%.
Wed January 04, 2023
Approximately 69% of U.S. winter wheat is produced in an area currently experiencing drought.
Wed January 04, 2023
Like the 2015 rules, tributaries that flow into larger bodies of water, as well as wetlands near protected waters are included.
Tue January 03, 2023
With the right management, thin cows can be a massive benefit in building a cowherd for your future.
Mon January 02, 2023
As 2023 begins, 17 states have a DSCI greater than 150, mostly in the central plains and western U.S.
Mon January 02, 2023
For the week, slaughter cattle traded 2.00 higher in the South and 3.00 higher in the North. Feeder and stocker cattle not tested due to Holiday closures.
Sat December 31, 2022
Swedish study shows many plant-based meat alternatives contain iron and zinc in a form that the body cannot absorb.
Fri December 30, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri December 30, 2022
The lawsuits claim the companies’ practices created surpluses in the cattle market and shortages in the wholesale beef market.
Thu December 29, 2022
The supply contraction in the second half of 2023 is expected to be fourth biggest drop in beef production since 1979.
Thu December 29, 2022
As of December 27, 2022, 49.65% of the lower 48 states are in drought, down 13.7% from a month ago.
Thu December 29, 2022
Heifer slaughter is the highest since 2014 and that year’s slaughter was skewed by the outbreak of BSE.
Thu December 29, 2022
Continuing claims hit highest level since February
Thu December 29, 2022
The rib primal value last night was $548/cwt, the highest for the year even as Christmas demand is well behind us.
Wed December 28, 2022
Chris Swift, of Swift Trading Company, discusses the cattle markets, cattle futures, and the ‘Basis’
Wed December 28, 2022
With less production, packer margins have returned to black ink.
Tue December 27, 2022
Approximately 80 head of bred cows are missing and are presumed stolen.
Tue December 27, 2022
The November 2022 feedlot inventory may be the peak for many months.  Time will tell.
Mon December 26, 2022

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