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As of October 11, 2022, 46.43% of the U.S. and 55.41% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu October 13, 2022
The $244.63 daily low for the select cutout on Monday was likely the low for Q4.
Wed October 12, 2022
Cattle & Corn Price Forecasts for 2022 are both raised.
Wed October 12, 2022
Beef packer margins going into the red indicates that cattle numbers are tightening.
Wed October 12, 2022
The higher cost of wholesale grains, energy and many other products has raised the costs consumers that pay at the fastest rate since the early 1980s.
Wed October 12, 2022
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 3.6% below the 3 Year Average.
Tue October 11, 2022
Percent of Corn Crop Harvested is 1% ahead of the 5 Year Average.
Tue October 11, 2022
Are packers rethinking plans when it comes to expansion?
Tue October 11, 2022
Last week’s $146.23 average purchase saw 73k bought for delivery in the 1-14 day window and 25k head with time.
Mon October 10, 2022
The Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday on a challenge to California’s Prop 12, which defines how much space breeding pigs, veal calves and egg-laying hens should have.
Mon October 10, 2022
Pasture-weaned calves lost less weight in the first 21 days after weaning
Mon October 10, 2022
The volume of cull cows has been up 112 percent year over year since July and is up 150 percent the last two weeks.
Mon October 10, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle were 1.00 higher in the South and steady in the North. Feeder cattle and stocker calves were about 1.00 and 3.00 lower, respectively.
Sat October 08, 2022
The U.S. Coast Guard said at least eight "groundings" of barges have been reported in the past week.
Fri October 07, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri October 07, 2022
Total Beef shipments to China in August were 23,581 MT, a 19% increase compared to a year ago.
Thu October 06, 2022
Cody Allen Easterday, of Mesa, WA, was convicted of defrauding multinational food producer Tyson Foods.
Thu October 06, 2022
The contraction part of the cattle cycle depends on drought conditions.
Thu October 06, 2022
As of October 4, 2022, 44.04% of the U.S. and 52.55% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu October 06, 2022
These results stand in contrast with future expectations in September which was only 2% weaker than a year ago.
Wed October 05, 2022

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