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With intervention granted, NCBA, PLC, and other partners will now be full participants in the case defending the gray wolf delisting.
Sat August 27, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle trade was steady with feeder cattle and stocker calves higher.  Live Cattle & Feeder Cattle Futures were lower.
Sat August 27, 2022
Fed will keep at task of lowering inflation ‘until the job is done,’ chairman Powell said.
Fri August 26, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri August 26, 2022
Commercial red meat production & Beef production down 3 Percent in July
Thu August 25, 2022
As of August 23rd, 46.9% of the Lower 48 States are in drought.
Thu August 25, 2022
USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS) projects food-at-home prices will increase between 10 and 11 percent in 2022.
Thu August 25, 2022
GDP shrank at revised 0.6% rate in second quarter, signaling US remains in technical recession.
Thu August 25, 2022
Some industry participants have expressed concern that the Chinese entering the market now makes the U.S. beef complex more vulnerable to the perceived subjective policies in China.
Wed August 24, 2022
Compared to a year ago, total pounds of beef in freezers up 27 percent from last year.
Mon August 22, 2022
77% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Fair to Very Poor' compared to 79% Last Week.
Mon August 22, 2022
55% of Corn Condition rated at 'Good to Excellent' compared to 57% Last Week
Mon August 22, 2022
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 11.9% below the 3 Year Average.
Mon August 22, 2022
Business Basics: Your dependence level on high-priced input costs will dictate how aggressively you cull cows.
Mon August 22, 2022
Drought continues to force cattle to market sooner than planned.
Mon August 22, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle trade was 2.00 to 4.00 higher with feeder cattle and stocker calves 3.00 to 1.50 higher, respectively.
Sat August 20, 2022
Number of cattle on feed is the second highest August 1 inventory since the series began in 1996.
Fri August 19, 2022
Many auctions have fewer packer buyers than they once did due to consolidation.
Fri August 19, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri August 19, 2022
As of August 16, 2022, 41.23% of the U.S. and 49.18% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu August 18, 2022

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