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China buys about 50% of Brazil's exported beef.
Thu April 07, 2022
48.01% of the U.S. and 57.30% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu April 07, 2022
The war in Ukraine has left the world not only short of important grains but also fertilizers. This could tighten food supplies.
Thu April 07, 2022
The slowdown in exports to China was a major factor but shipments to other markets were down as well.
Wed April 06, 2022
Producers continue to say that they expect their farm’s financial performance to decline in 2022 compared to 2021.
Wed April 06, 2022
“Claims of price gouging are disingenuous, looking to scapegoat an industry that is under extraordinary regulatory oversight to distract from the inflationary pressures harming American consumers.”
Tue April 05, 2022
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 10.9% below the 3 Year Average.
Mon April 04, 2022
Reported retail prices in February were up 14 to nearly 16 percent year over year for beef, pork and broilers.
Mon April 04, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle were steady to 1.00 higher with feeders & stockers 1.50 to 2.50 higher. Live Cattle futures were lower with Feeder Cattle futures mixed.
Sun April 03, 2022
PMI Index falls to lowest level since September 2020.
Fri April 01, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri April 01, 2022
New Emergency Livestock Relief benefits to be delivered through two-phased approach; compensation for 2021 forage losses.
Thu March 31, 2022
U.S. Farmers expect to Plant More Soybeans and less Corn Acreage - Corn & Soybeans Stocks Up & Wheat Down
Thu March 31, 2022
Nationwide drought coverage decreased for the third week in a row with 57.97% of the lower 48 states in drought.
Thu March 31, 2022
Researchers at KSU said hemp could be a natural way to decrease stress-related respiratory infections and other ailments when cattle are being transported or weaned off their mothers.
Thu March 31, 2022
You might think never! But that’s only because it has been a while.
Wed March 30, 2022
The current captive supply arrangements are akin to packer ownership and control of cattle.
Wed March 30, 2022
Replacement heifers should have 65% of their mature weight by 14-15 months of age.
Tue March 29, 2022
Consumer confidence index climbs to 107.2 from 105.7
Tue March 29, 2022
Increasing price discovery will give producers more control and better information when they sell their livestock.
Tue March 29, 2022

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