Cow And Calf Pairs Indexed by Breed

Cow And Calf Pairs Indexed by State/Province

Cow And Calf Pairs California

1 Reg. Longhorn Pair... Southern CA

Cow And Calf Pairs Texas

51 Angus Cross Cows w/ 24+ Calves... East TX
5 Angus 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX
9 Angus/Brangus 1st-Calf Pairs... N. Central TX
10 Angus Plus BWF Pairs... Central TX sold
10 Braford Pairs... East TX sold
64 Angus & BWF Pairs... TX Panhandle sold
4 Angus Cross 'BMF' 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX sold
8 Angus Pairs... Central TX sold
15 Red Angus & Red Angus/Akaushi 1st-Calf Pairs... North TX sold
5 Angus Cross 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX sold
10 Angus Pairs... Central TX sold
25 Angus & Brangus Pairs... Central TX sold
20 Angus 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX sold
9 Angus/Brangus 1st-Calf Pairs... N. Central TX
25 Brangus 1st-Calf Pairs... Southeast TX
10 Hereford Pairs... Northeast TX sold
6 Hereford Cows w/ Tigerstripe Calves... Central TX
26 Akaushi/Angus 2nd-Calf Pairs... Southeast TX
5 Red Angus Pairs... Southeast TX sold
3 Red & RWF 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX sold
1 Reg. Brahman Pair... North TX
12 Reg. Hereford Pairs... South TX
2 Brangus 2nd-Cows w/ 1+ Calves... North TX sold
35 Brangus Pairs... N. Central TX
6 Reg. Akaushi Pure Bred Pairs... South TX
12 Crossbred Pairs... Southeast TX sold

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