Cow And Calf Pairs Cow and Calf Pairs

9 Angus/Brangus 1st-Calf Pairs... N. Central TX
45 Angus Pairs... Northeast KS
10 Angus Plus BWF Pairs... Central TX sold
5 Angus 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX
64 Angus & BWF Pairs... TX Panhandle sold
40 Angus Pairs... Central IA sold
50 Angus & BWF Pairs... Southwest MO
36 Angus & Black Baldy Pairs... Southwest MO
4 Angus Cross 'BMF' 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX sold
8 Angus Pairs... Central TX sold
5 Angus Cross 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX sold
40 Angus & Angus Cross Pairs... Southwest WY sold
10 Angus Pairs... Central TX sold
80 Angus & BWF Pairs... Southwest MO
25 Angus 1st-Calf Pairs... Southwest OK
25 Angus & Brangus Pairs... Central TX sold
1,000 Angus Pairs... Northwest OK
250 Angus & Crossbred Cows w/ 150+ Calves... Northeast OK
20 Angus 1st-Calf Pairs... Central TX sold
9 Angus/Brangus 1st-Calf Pairs... N. Central TX
40 Angus & Angus Cross Pairs... Southwest WY sold
43 Angus Cross Cows w/ 9+ Calves... North FL
26 Akaushi/Angus 2nd-Calf Pairs... Southeast TX
3 Angus Pairs... E. Central KS
60 Angus & Hereford Cross Cows w/ 10+ Calves... Northeast AL sold
20 Angus & Angus Baldy 1st-Calf Pairs... N. Central TX sold

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