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Tue July 02, 2024
Restaurant operators continued to report dampened sales and traffic readings.
Cargill Indefinitely Shutters Production at Dodge City Plant; Shifts Cattle to Other Facilities
Tue July 02, 2024
48% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 47% Last Week and 45% Last Year.
Mon July 01, 2024
67% of Corn Crop rated as Good to Excellent compared to 69% last week and 51% last year.
Mon July 01, 2024
Last week's Marketings were 7.4% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon July 01, 2024
Based on available data, the July 2024 beef cow inventory is projected to be 1.8% below the July 2023 level, consistent with the reported 2.5% decline in January.
Mon July 01, 2024
Fed cattle trade in the Southern and Northern Plains was steady. Feeder cattle were higher while stocker calves were lower. Live cattle futures were higher with feeder cattle futures mostly lower.
Sat June 29, 2024
MCOOL provisions were implemented during the 2002 farm bill but were repealed in 2015 after Canada and Mexico filed disputes with the World Trade Organization.
Fri June 28, 2024
Consumers think inflation will average 3.0% in the next year, down from 3.3% in the prior month.
Fri June 28, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri June 28, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales were up 13%; Weekly Exports were down 2%.
Thu June 27, 2024
Denmark's farmers will be taxed for the methane produced by their cows, sheep and pigs.
Thu June 27, 2024
16.13% of the Lower 48 States are in Drought, compared to 12.03% Last Week.
Thu June 27, 2024
USDA’s newly proposed rule is a direct attack on cattle producer profitability.
Wed June 26, 2024
Eminent domain can used in Iowa, but project still needs approval in the Dakotas.
Wed June 26, 2024
Total red meat supplies down 3% from last year; Beef down slightly.
Tue June 25, 2024
Cargill’s Ontario plant is the major plant supporting Canada’s largest fed-cattle region in the country after Alberta.
Tue June 25, 2024
47% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated 'Good to Excellent' compared to 48% Last Week and 44% Last Year.
Tue June 25, 2024
69% of Corn Crop rated as Good to Excellent compared to 72% last week and 50% last year.
Tue June 25, 2024
The current fundamentals of the beef cattle industry are a smaller cowherd being countered by the packers rationing beef by restricting processing.
Mon June 24, 2024

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