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Cites lack of further progress toward the committee's 2% inflation objective.
Wed May 01, 2024
Florida is taking a tremendous step in the right direction by signing first-in-the-nation legislation banning lab-grown meat.
Wed May 01, 2024
Colorado ranchers say Gov. Polis & wildlife officials are ignoring pleas to kill depredating wolves.
Wed May 01, 2024
The calculated and assumed cattle on feed over 150 days is substantial and growing.
Wed May 01, 2024
Last week's Marketings were 10.8% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon April 29, 2024
The USDA has slapped independent cattle producers, who have worked closely with the USDA in the past to very successfully control, contain, and eradicate foreign animal diseases, in the face.
Mon April 29, 2024
USDA's final traceability rule updates the existing requirement for animal identification that has been in place since 2013.
Mon April 29, 2024
For the week, fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains was steady with trade in the Northern Plains about 2.00 higher.  Feeder cattle and stocker calves were both higher.
Sun April 28, 2024
Expected inflation over the coming year rises to highest level since November.
Fri April 26, 2024
It is the first country to officially limit trade in beef due to bird flu in cows, in a sign of a broadening economic impact of the virus.
Fri April 26, 2024
Beef Production down 12%; Pork Production Down 10%
Fri April 26, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri April 26, 2024
Improving the efficiency, sustainability and profit potential of commercial cow calf production involves reducing feed costs while improving pounds of calf weaned.
Thu April 25, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales were down 14%; Exports were down 17%
Thu April 25, 2024
18.04% of the Lower 48 States are in Drought compared to 17.90% Last Week.
Thu April 25, 2024
GDP growth in first quarter lagged behind the 2.4% projected by economists.
Thu April 25, 2024
Beef, pork, and chicken in cold storage are all down from last month and last year.
Wed April 24, 2024
Prior to interstate movement, dairy cattle are required to receive a negative test for Influenza A virus at an approved National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratory.
Wed April 24, 2024
George Alan Kelly had been accused of second-degree murder over the death of 48-year-old Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, who was shot in January 2023
Wed April 24, 2024
FDA says commercial milk safe despite bird flu virus presence.
Wed April 24, 2024

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