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The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and Public Lands Council expressed serious concerns about the Bureau of Land Management’s final “Conservation and Landscape Health” rule.
Tue April 23, 2024
Last week's Marketings were 12.5% higher than the 3 Year Average.
Mon April 22, 2024
The USDA said cows shed the virus in milk at high concentrations, so anything that comes in contact with unpasteurized milk may spread the disease.
Mon April 22, 2024
Feedlot inventories are above year earlier levels because feedlot marketing rates have fallen even faster than placement rates. 
Mon April 22, 2024
For the week, fed cattle trade in the Southern Plains was steady with trade in the Northern Plains about 1.00 lower.  Feeder cattle were steady while stocker calves were lower.
Sat April 20, 2024
Cattle on feed were higher with placements and marketings lower.
Fri April 19, 2024
A Texas Cattle Rancher has filed a multi-billion dollar class action lawsuit in federal court in Amarillo, Texas.
Fri April 19, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri April 19, 2024
Jim talks with Nebraska Rancher, Radio and TV host, Trent Loos about the carbon pipeline.
Thu April 18, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales were up 30%; Exports were up 21%
Thu April 18, 2024
NOAA thinks by November 2024 to January 2025, there’s an 85% chance a La Niña will be in effect.
Thu April 18, 2024
17.90% of the Lower 48 States are in Drought compared to 17.46% Last Week
Thu April 18, 2024
Argentine beef consumption has fallen to near-record levels while exports increased by 22.9 per cent.
Wed April 17, 2024
USDA-NASS plans to cancel critical reports and modify programs related to government-issued livestock data.
Wed April 17, 2024
The 2023/24 season-average farm corn price is lowered by $0.05 per bushel to $4.70 per bushel.
Wed April 17, 2024
Majority of consumers view conventional meats as both tastier and healthier than laboratory-grown alternatives.
Tue April 16, 2024
Estimates indicate Cattle on Feed will be higher with Placements & Marketings lower than last year.
Tue April 16, 2024
Last week's Marketings were 20.3% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon April 15, 2024
Carcass weights are boosted at the current time by decreasing cattle numbers, which increases incentives to feed cattle longer as they try to maintain feedlot inventories. 
Mon April 15, 2024
For the week, cash cattle prices were lower with cattle futures mostly lower.  The dressed beef cutouts and corn were higher.
Sat April 13, 2024

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