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The New York Stock Exchange and the SEC are trying to create a market for a new type of company that gives the investors the ability to stop agriculture production.
Tue January 16, 2024
HB2121 prohibits anyone in Arizona from offering to sell or produce a cell-cultured animal product for human consumption.
Tue January 16, 2024
Foreign entities bought 3.4 million acres of U.S. farmland in 2022, with the biggest increases in Colorado, Alabama and Michigan.
Mon January 15, 2024
In general, the hay situation is better this winter than one year ago, but hay stocks remain below long-term averages in most states. 
Mon January 15, 2024
In the Southern Plains, there was limited fed cattle trade at 172.00 with Northern Plains trade at 175.00. Feeder cattle were 1.50 higher with stocker calves 6.00 higher.
Sat January 13, 2024
For 2024, the beef production forecast is raised with higher expected first-half cattle slaughter, as well as higher dressed weights.
Fri January 12, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri January 12, 2024
The cost of goods fell 0.4% in December because of another decline in energy prices.
Fri January 12, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales & Exports were both lower.
Thu January 11, 2024
30% of the U.S. cattle inventory is within areas experiencing drought, down 4% from last week.
Thu January 11, 2024
The rate of inflation over the past year moved up to 3.4% from 3.1% in the prior month.
Thu January 11, 2024
The annual forecast is 3.030 billion, a year-over-year decrease of almost 15 percent.
Wed January 10, 2024
El Nino is finally showing signs of weakening for the first time in four years.
Wed January 10, 2024
Blizzard-like conditions had left meatpacking workers stranded on highways on Monday while others spent the night at the slaughterhouses where they work.
Wed January 10, 2024
OMC Chairman Everett Waller: “We will defend the Mineral Estate against anyone that does not comply with the law and tries to take our lands and resources”
Tue January 09, 2024
Last week's Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 36.7% lower than the 3 Year Average.
Mon January 08, 2024
The key objective of this act is to provide a respite to the economic hardship experienced by cattle producers due to the predation of black vultures.
Mon January 08, 2024
In general, cattle markets are encouraging more aggressive production. 
Mon January 08, 2024
For the week, fed cattle trade in the South Plains was non-existent with North Plains trade 4.00 higher at 175.00. Feeder cattle were 2.00 higher with stocker calves 3.00 higher.
Sat January 06, 2024
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri January 05, 2024

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