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The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Indicator" is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong.
Fri January 05, 2024
Weekly Beef Sales & Exports were both higher. Pork & Corn lower.
Fri January 05, 2024
High input costs continue to be the primary source of concern for U.S. farmers.
Thu January 04, 2024
35% of the U.S. cattle inventory is within areas experiencing drought, up 1% from last week.
Thu January 04, 2024
Labor market still going strong at the end of 2023.
Thu January 04, 2024
Agridime diverted tens of millions of dollars in investor funds to make Ponzi payments to prior investors.
Wed January 03, 2024
The federal government lists China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro as foreign adversaries.
Wed January 03, 2024
Beef demand is expected to remain strong in 2024, even as consumers are experiencing inflation and pressure on household budgets.
Tue January 02, 2024
The Cowculator software is easily accessible at home or in the field.
Tue January 02, 2024
A new declaration from the World Health Organization has revealed that it wants the masses to eat less meat and more plant-based foods in order to supposedly combat "climate change."
Fri December 29, 2023
Cattle that recover from initial infection become carriers for life.
Fri December 29, 2023
34% of the U.S. cattle inventory is within areas experiencing drought, down 2% from last week.
Thu December 28, 2023
This technology puts the reproductive systems of cattle at risk, which can affect both cows and their offspring.
Thu December 28, 2023
Requests for state unemployment insurance up 12,000 to 218,000.
Thu December 28, 2023
November feedlot placements were 98.1 percent of last year, smaller than last year after two months of year over year higher placements in September and October. 
Tue December 26, 2023
Total pounds of beef in freezers were up 2 percent from the previous month but down 13 percent from last year.
Sat December 23, 2023
For the week, fed cattle trade in both the South Plains and North Plains was at 171.00. Feeder cattle were steady with stocker calves about 1.50 higher.
Sat December 23, 2023
Placements down 2 percent; Marketings down 7 percent.
Fri December 22, 2023
Livestock monitoring involves the use of advanced technologies such as GPS, RFID, and sensors to monitor the health, behavior, and productivity of livestock animals.
Fri December 22, 2023
Longer beef production cycles, lack of grazing land, and chronic disease have constrained China’s cattle production.
Fri December 22, 2023

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