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A cattle rustling sting resulted in the arrests of the top elected official and three ranch hands in Loving County TX, the least-populated county in the continental United States.
Mon July 25, 2022
Cattle producers are destocking at a rapid rate as pasture conditions deteriorate rapidly. 
Mon July 25, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle trade was 1.00 to 3.00 lower with feeder cattle slightly higher and stocker calves slightly lower.
Sat July 23, 2022
Compared to a year ago, total supplies of red meat and beef were up 24 percent & 29 percent respectively.
Fri July 22, 2022
Beef cows, at 30.4 million head, down 2 percent from a year ago.
Fri July 22, 2022
Marketings of fed cattle during June totaled 2.06 million head, 2 percent above 2021
Fri July 22, 2022
The number of U.S. farms & ranches fell sharply through the early 1970s but the decline has slowed since then.
Fri July 22, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri July 22, 2022
LIP payment rates are to be based on 75 percent of the average fair market value for specific livestock categories
Thu July 21, 2022
Commercial red meat production up 1 percent; Beef production up 2 percent
Thu July 21, 2022
Leading Economic Index declines 0.8% in June, fourth straight monthly drop.
Thu July 21, 2022
As of July 19, 2022, 44.57% of the U.S. and 51.87% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu July 21, 2022
Zia sued Tyson in May 2020, alleging Tyson breached a 2019 premium cattle contract after it failed to fork over $2,488,000.
Wed July 20, 2022
On Friday, July 22, 2022, USDA NASS will be releasing two key reports for the cattle industry: July Cattle on Feed and July Cattle Inventory.
Wed July 20, 2022
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 21.3% above the 3 Year Average.
Mon July 18, 2022
74% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated Fair to Very Poor compared to 72% last week.
Mon July 18, 2022
64% of Corn Condition rated at Good to Excellent... Unchanged from last week.
Mon July 18, 2022
Cow slaughter in the Texas region through the first half of the year was 123,400 head or 30% higher than the same 26 week period in 2021.
Mon July 18, 2022
Fears of higher rates and weakening economic conditions linger over the year’s second half.
Mon July 18, 2022
The beef cattle industry is liquidating farther and faster this year. 
Mon July 18, 2022

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