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Cow slaughter in the Texas region through the first half of the year was 123,400 head or 30% higher than the same 26 week period in 2021.
Mon July 18, 2022
Fears of higher rates and weakening economic conditions linger over the year’s second half.
Mon July 18, 2022
The beef cattle industry is liquidating farther and faster this year. 
Mon July 18, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle trade was steady to 2.00 lower with feeder cattle and stocker calves higher. Live Cattle & Feeder Cattle futures were higher while dressed beef cutouts were mixed and corn lower.
Sat July 16, 2022
An interesting analysis by Peter Zeihan on International inflation and how it will be affected by geography, demographics, and global politics.
Fri July 15, 2022
Without rain, it's a grim outlook for cattle operations.
Fri July 15, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri July 15, 2022
The conflict began when the Forest Service proposed a plan in 2020 to shoot unbranded and unauthorized cows from helicopters in the Gila.
Thu July 14, 2022
The USDA Cattle Inventory report due out July 22 will tell the story for the rest of 2022.
Thu July 14, 2022
As of July 12, 2022, 44.98% of the U.S. and 50.61% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu July 14, 2022
Farmers have blocked supermarkets, distributions centers and roads in response to government plans to cut nitrogen emissions.
Thu July 14, 2022
Wholesale prices surge again and signal inflation is still bubbling up in the U.S. economy.
Thu July 14, 2022
In a rush to address soaring meat prices and ensure that all parts of the supply chain benefit from those prices, several pending bills would dramatically expand the federal government’s role in meat markets.
Wed July 13, 2022
June red meat and poultry price inflation data shows an apparent shift to less expensive proteins.
Wed July 13, 2022
The increase in inflation over the past year rose to 9.1% to 8.6%. The last time inflation was so high was in November 1981.
Wed July 13, 2022
About 5.6 million acres entering program in 2023, surpassing the 3.9 million acres expiring this year.
Tue July 12, 2022
Cattle price forecasts for 2022 are raised with the season-average farm price for corn received by producers is lowered.
Tue July 12, 2022
Export value climbed 20% to $1.09 billion, breaking the March 2022 record.
Tue July 12, 2022
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 37.4% below the 3 Year Average.
Tue July 12, 2022
'Worst thing I've ever seen on the farm'
Mon July 11, 2022

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