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72% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated Fair to Very Poor compared to 69% last week.
Mon July 11, 2022
64% of Corn Condition rated at Good to Excellent... Unchanged last week.
Mon July 11, 2022
Small export markets are growing and are contributing, at least collectively, to a more robust set of export markets for U.S.
Mon July 11, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle trade was steady to 2.00 lower with feeder cattle and stocker calves higher. Live Cattle & Feeder Cattle futures were lower while dressed beef cutouts and corn were higher.
Sat July 09, 2022
There is a disconnect between what producers are receiving for their animals and the high prices consumers are paying for beef products.
Fri July 08, 2022
Sysco recently filed a federal lawsuit in Texas accusing Tyson Foods, JBS, Cargill and National Beef of price fixing.
Fri July 08, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri July 08, 2022
A farmer in Coffee County, TN was scammed by a seller with cattle posted for sale on the ‘Cattle Exchange’
Thu July 07, 2022
As of July 5, 2022, 44.3% of the U.S. and 49.42% of the lower 48 states are in drought.
Thu July 07, 2022
First quarter choice beef demand jumped, up 17 index points from last year.
Thu July 07, 2022
Jobless claims are at the highest level since early January and could be a sign of rising layoffs.
Thu July 07, 2022
Fed Officials resolute in tightening into ‘restrictive’ territory despite risk of slower growth
Wed July 06, 2022
As the cow herd continues to shrink, cattle prices are predicted to average higher.
Wed July 06, 2022
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings were 48.8% above the 3 Year Average.
Tue July 05, 2022
69% of Pasture & Range Conditions rated Fair to Very Poor... Unchanged from last week
Tue July 05, 2022
64% of Corn Condition rated at Good to Excellent, down 3% from last week.
Tue July 05, 2022
The second half of 2022 is shaping up to look significantly different than the first half of the year. 
Mon July 04, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle trade was mostly steady with feeder cattle and stocker calves higher. Live Cattle & Feeder Cattle futures were higher while dressed beef cutouts and corn were lower.
Sat July 02, 2022
The government said Ukraine could harvest up 65 million tonnes of grain and oilseeds this year, compared with 106 million in 2021.
Fri July 01, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri July 01, 2022

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