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Compared to last week, slaughter cattle were steady. Feeder cattle traded slightly lower and stocker calves slightly higher. Live Cattle futures were mixed with Feeder Cattle futures lower.
Sat January 22, 2022
Placements in feedlots during December totaled 1.96 million head, 6 percent above 2020, the highest for December since the series began in 1996.
Fri January 21, 2022
Economy appears to be weathering omicron storm.
Fri January 21, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri January 21, 2022
Beef production, at 2.36 billion pounds, was 1 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.82 million head, up 1 percent from December 2020.
Thu January 20, 2022
It was another dry week out West. The very wet December helped, but more precipitation is needed. Drought in the Southern Plains continues to worsen.
Thu January 20, 2022
Tying cattle prices to a wholesale beef value index will not restore the competitive market forces that has been purged from the market due to severe structural deficiencies.
Thu January 20, 2022
Based on the research, it would be advisable to have a properly formulated source of caffeine readily available to support high-risk calves.
Wed January 19, 2022
The cost of beef for consumers has been stable since 1994 under the current structure of the fed cattle market.
Wed January 19, 2022
Livestock Outlook: An increase in demand or a decrease in supply brings a price increase, not a shortage.
Wed January 19, 2022
The agricultural sector will battle through familiar challenges in coming weeks, as persistent labor challenges become acute.
Tue January 18, 2022
Upcoming January reports provide confirmation of what did happen last year and provides some information that helps to shape expectations for this year. 
Tue January 18, 2022
The 2021/22 U.S. corn crop is projected to total 15,115 million bushels—a 53-million-bushel increase from the December projection.
Mon January 17, 2022
There is data indicating feeding cows at dusk will increase the number of cows calving during the day time. 
Mon January 17, 2022
For the week, slaughter cattle were 1.00 to 2.00 lower with feeder cattle slightly lower and stocker cattle slightly higher.
Sat January 15, 2022
Hay prices were unforgiving to livestock producers last year, and will likely continue to be so through 2022.
Fri January 14, 2022
Consumer sentiment index drops to 68.8 from 70.6, the second lowest reading in a decade.
Fri January 14, 2022
The number of workers calling in sick at Cargill’s meat and poultry plants has doubled.
Fri January 14, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri January 14, 2022
Western storms have boosted snowpack and reduced drought. However, drought conditions worsened in the Southern Plains, especially Texas.
Thu January 13, 2022

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