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Overall, the U.S. will remain a major beef producer, consumer, exporter and importer.
Thu December 02, 2021
Widespread penicillin shortages across the United States have caused challenges for cattle producers.
Thu December 02, 2021
It's December and drought in the United States is worsening.
Thu December 02, 2021
Cargill and the union have been at loggerheads for some time over issues related to wages as well as health and safety.
Thu December 02, 2021
Firms were able to raise prices ‘with little pushback,’ survey finds.
Wed December 01, 2021
K-State expert says trapping is best way to resolve interactions with livestock.
Wed December 01, 2021
Failures from methane to manure management underline the growing sense in the market that cows are the new coal.
Wed December 01, 2021
China's beef imports and the country's share of global trade are expected to grow for the eighth consecutive year in 2022, the report said.
Tue November 30, 2021
Backgrounding may be a good option this year, according to NDSU Extension experts.
Tue November 30, 2021
The Cargill plant in High River accounts for almost 40 per cent of Canada’s beef processing capacity.
Mon November 29, 2021
U.S. Agricultural Exports in Fiscal Year 2022 Forecast at Record $175.5 Billion; Imports at $165.0 Billion
Mon November 29, 2021
For the week, slaughter cattle were 7.00 higher while holiday-disrupted feeder cattle and stocker calves trade showed a higher trend. Both Live Cattle and Feeder Cattle futures were higher. The choice boxed beef cutout was higher and the select cutout lower.
Mon November 29, 2021
The industry has waited many months for a bit of relative stability.  Are you ready to be on offense rather than defense? 
Mon November 29, 2021
If California wants to impose on its own farmers a silly rule, that is fine; however California cannot impose its silly rules on other states.
Mon November 29, 2021
Conditions are quickly deteriorating in the South/Southeast and Hawaii.
Fri November 26, 2021
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri November 26, 2021
Beef production in October, at 2.37 billion pounds, was 4 percent below the previous year.
Wed November 24, 2021
Because packer margins are still huge when compared to history and already planned large weekly December slaughter schedules need to be covered, packers are left competing and paying up.
Wed November 24, 2021
Beef cow slaughter is about 9 percent higher year-over-year, and 12 percent higher than in 2019.
Wed November 24, 2021
The number of people already collecting state jobless benefits, meanwhile, fell by 60,000 to 2.05 million.
Wed November 24, 2021

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