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U.S. agricultural exports also fell shy of commitments under the deal.
Thu February 10, 2022
Consumer price index jumps 0.6% in January. The 7.5% surge in the cost of living in the past 12 months is the biggest since February 1982.
Thu February 10, 2022
Fed-cattle prices are raised for the second half of the year on firm packer demand.
Wed February 09, 2022
A big reason for the forecasted drop in profits is a 5% increase in production expenses, and it’s not just one or two items.
Wed February 09, 2022
The Biden administration’s rule repeals bipartisan exclusions for agriculture that existed under both Democratic and Republican administrations.
Tue February 08, 2022
2021 U.S. farm and food products exports totaled $177 billion, topping the 2020 total by 18 percent and eclipsing the previous record, set in 2014, by 14.6 percent.
Tue February 08, 2022
Last week's Weekly Feeder & Stocker Cattle Marketings 10% below 3 Year Average
Mon February 07, 2022
How can feedlot inventories be above year ago levels if the calf crop has declined the past three years?
Mon February 07, 2022
The New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association is concerned about the ability of the wildlife agents to delineate branded from unbranded livestock
Sun February 06, 2022
Compared to last week, all classes of cattle were higher, as were Live Cattle and Feeder Cattle futures. Dressed beef cutouts and corn were lower.
Sat February 05, 2022
JBS said in a statement it did not admit liability, but settling was in its best interest
Fri February 04, 2022
The theory behind the "Bullish/Bearish Consensus" indicator is when the public reaches a consensus, they are usually wrong:
Fri February 04, 2022
The U.S. added 510,000 jobs in December instead of 199,000. And employment rose by 647,000 in November compared to the prior estimate of 249,000.
Fri February 04, 2022
Consumer demand for beef at home and around the globe remained strong in 2021, a trend that will continue in 2022.
Thu February 03, 2022
The report says mandated negotiated trade levels are expected to negatively affect cattle and calf prices.
Thu February 03, 2022
The partnership, which will last one year and tap into Romo’s vast fanbase, will promote all things beef.
Thu February 03, 2022
South, southeastern Texas saw heavy rain, but drought conditions worsened in other parts of Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas.
Thu February 03, 2022
Simply put, the New York Times Op-Ed claims about emissions and land use are not true.
Thu February 03, 2022
Comparison by State of 2022 vs. 2021 Cattle Inventory numbers for various classes of cattle.
Wed February 02, 2022
Producers Concerned About Rising Costs and Supply Chain Disruptions.
Wed February 02, 2022

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